Tuesday, 18 December 2012


It's that time of the year again. The time when the press runs out of things to report and just rams down our throats that norovirus is on the rise and that at least 3/4 of us will catch it. While this is true in that the news rarely get their facts right and they do only report it when they've nothing else to talk about, the irrational part of my mind is tearing me up by saying "if it's newsworthy, it MUST be bad" - that was my logic before, as long as it's not in the news, it's fine. This week it was "as long as it doesn't hit BBC news, it's fine." And lo and behold, today it hit BBC news.

So, my aim for this blog is to hopefully get everything out regarding norovirus, and then I'm going to hopefully shut up. The press won't do the same, obviously, but I'm hoping this will help me calm down if nothing else, as my family and BF are getting very pissed off with my constant panic. Please note, some of the things I say may frighten fellow emets, but that is absolutely not my intention. I apologise if I upset or scare anyone from this post, I really don't mean to upset anyone.

I feel I can't escape it, I really REALLY can't. I've learned a few things about it and while they've helped ease my anxiety in one sense, they've also made me crap myself even more. The good things about norovirus (if you can call them that) that I've learned are:

- You can't catch it from being near someone with it, the only way you can is if they v* in front of you or you somehow inhale particles of it. Eugh.
- You can't catch it just by walking past a pool of v* on the street
- You can't catch it by kissing someone who has it but isn't showing symptoms (unfortunately this is not the same if they HAVE been showing symptoms)
- It's NOT airbourne, despite what the news say. You can only catch it from the air if someone v*s in front of you.

- Many hand sanitisers don't kill norovirus. "Antibacterial" hand gels may not be effective in killing it as it's a virus. There is a certain ingredient that is apparently effective against norovirus: benzalkonium chloride and benzethonium chloride.
- Norovirus is mainly spread via surfaces. In my experience, there are only so many times you can wash your hands after touching something.
- Washing your hands is the best way to get rid of the bug - it doesn't kill it, but washes it down the drain. HOWEVER, to me and you, washing your hands is quick, easy and something you always do, but for some dirty bastards, this is not the case.

And this is where I get pissed off. Before things kick off, it's not the people who go into work sick or send their kids to school when they're sick that I'm having a go at, it's the filthy members of the general public that don't wash their hands after going to the toilet that I'm having a go at.

So, we all know norovirus is spread through poor hygiene, i.e. people not washing their hands after using the toilet when suffering from the bug. My first problem with this is: who doesn't wash their hands after going to the toilet? It was the first thing I was taught when I was potty trained and I even feel filthy if I don't use soap if I wash my hands in a public toilet. Secondly: we all know aside from v*ing with norovirus, you get v*ing's BFF with it, d*. Who the hell doesn't wash their hands after having D*?! If this is you, you are a disgusting human being.

I feel like I can't escape it, given that its always on surfaces. It makes me angry that a sure-fire way of stopping norovirus from spreading is by washing your hands properly, and it can stop so many people coming down with this horrible illness - yes, there are so many more illnesses that are worse than having an upset tummy for a few days, but to an emetophobia sufferer, there is nothing worse than suffering from norovirus or any kind of gastric illness - but PEOPLE STILL DON'T DO IT! It's disgusting.

It's so hard to make people do things, particularly with hand washing. Some people I've spoken to have said do on the spot fines for people who don't do it, particularly in schools and hospitals, but it's so difficult, if impossible to police that kind of thing, as much as I think it's a good idea. Hell, I'd go round spraying neat bleach in peoples' faces if I could. Not everyone, just the dirty ones.  An idea I had was for hospitals particularly. On entrances to wards there's usually hand sanitiser, I think somehow it should be linked to the doors, and they will only open (automatically) if you use the hand gel provided. Honestly, how much time does it add onto your trip to visiting a relative or attending an outpatient appointment? It takes 10 seconds if that to pump out some of the stuff and rub it in. Just like it takes less than a minute to properly wash your hands. But still, people are lazy shits and refuse to do it.

It does annoy me to an extent that people go into work and send their kids to school when they're not very well. But, I understand it. I understand that a lot of people have that 'just get on with it' attitude and can't afford to have a day off work and that they can't always afford to stay home and take care of their kids, so it's easier to send them to school, and that a lot of the time kids have tummy aches and what not, and in most cases it's nothing. In most of these cases, especially the people who go to work do (as far as I'm aware from experience with my colleagues who've suffered it) wash their hands regularly and use the hand sanitisers. As kids are more vulnerable and younger ones especially don't always understand the importance of hygiene it becomes more difficult and it's unfair on the child who has the symptoms (no one likes v*ing, but it's even worse if you're in a public place) and unfair on the other children. It creates a cycle in a sense, more kids get it, a number of parents do keep their kids at home if they can, others send them to school, ergo it spreads again and so on. Again, I'm not having a go, all I'm saying is, try and think of others. Especially considering norovirus can be dangerous to young children in terms of dehydration.

Around this time of year, us emets are always on edge. Although now I know most hand gels don't work, I'm even more of a mess than usual. And being away from home at Christmas, visiting relatives and my mum working with children until Friday, and the fact a few Christmasses ago I suffered norovirus myself which resulted in me eating nothing but ginger biscuits and mints for 2 weeks and going through bouts of compulsive handwashing several times a day - really do not help matters. I have been given anti-emetics from the doctor recently, however I'm unsure as to whether its a good idea to take them if I'm suffering from norovirus. The pharmacist advised that it's best to get the bug out in whatever way your body chooses, and let it happen at least once or twice, but if I really can't handle it, then it should be fine. However, I'm still unsure of this, so maybe a call to NHS direct is in order if I do get sick. Rest assured, I will not be leaving the house until 48 hours after my symptoms have gone and I will be washing my hands all the fricking time if I'm horribly unlucky enough to catch this god-awful bug.

I've been reading about how grape-seed extract is good for prevention of the bug in that it destroys the coating of it, thus deactiviating it. I've also heard grape juice is good too, but only as a preventative measure, and it has to be 100% grape juice, no 'cocktail' or low calorie options. While I brought a over-night sized bag full of my "emet survival kit" - rescue remedy, peppermint oil, Colpermin, Immodium,  Buscopan, Mebeverine, vitamin C and zinc, mints, and my most recent addition: Metaclopramide tablets, I have not equipped it with grapeseed extract or grape juice. While I've heard grapeseed extract in high doses may cause nausea, I'm more than tempted to make a trip to Asda to buy me a carton of Welch's.

Wishing all my emet friends a healthy and noro-free Christmas. And to all those idiots that would rather get to where your going quicker or not miss any of that crappy TV show you're watching than spend an extra minute washing your hands: don't be a dickhead. WASH YOUR GODDAMN HANDS.


  1. It's funny. I don't usually read or watch the news, so I don't see all those articles about norovirus. But then if I go on an emetophobia forum, I see tons of people posting about them. I just try to ignore all that. I'm sure the news says the exact same thing every year, that it's the "worst outbreak" they've ever seen, etc. There is really no such thing as "newsworthy" anymore. There are endless places to spread news, so reporters/journalists are going to spout out whatever pops into their heads at every second of the day.

  2. I know what you mean. I've stopped watching the news because of it but its difficult when you go on an emetophobia forum because you feel anxious and see that everyone's posted articles about norovirus.

    I try to take comfort in the fact they only report it when there's nothing newsworthy left to talk about. It's just a big annoyance of mine that they always do an in depth report on it on the 6pm news when people are having their dinner. No one wants to hear that regardleas of whether they have emet or not!

  3. I understand everything you're saying and share your frustrations. A few bits of advice - I've been emet for 20 years, so I've done all the agonizing bits of research.

    www.stopthestomachflu.com - lots of great info about the stomach virus, how to best it, and how to clean up and such.

    sani guard sprays and foggers - available online. Destroys the norovirus. You can actually set off foggers in rooms where the virus is sure to be on surfaces, so that before you go in to clean up, you can have peace of mind that the surfaces are not coated in norovirus.

    Gold Bond handsanitzer, said to destroy the stomach flu. I'm not sure if it's available in the UK, but if you want to pay for it and the shipping via paypal or something, I'd ship it to you. My email: tmacnish at aol dot com (for the spambots).

    Immodium: don't take it. Let the runs happen - the body needs to purge it somehow. If you block up that end, you could force your body to vomit.

    You don't need to vomit for the stomach virus in order to get better quickly. You can take anti nausea or antiemtics, and do just fine. Just do not take immodium. Let it get out of you in the least horrible way.

    Grape juice and all that are fine in moderation, but bear in mind the best method is prevention in the first place. Wash your hands, don't eat food in a restaurant that isn't very, very hot (if it's not hot, send it back - noro is destroyed at 160 farenheit), don't touch your face in public, use extreme caution in public restrooms...etc. Probably all things you're doing.

    The thing to keep in mind that gives me SOME SMALL measure of comfort is that noro isn't impossbile to avoid. Most people catch it and it spreads like wildfire because they're not careful, at all, and they don't think they'll get it, nor do they care if they do. They go in and out of doors, touch all the knobs, sign for things with common pens, go out to eat, touch the menu, eat a salad, pick up their sandwich and eat.....

    And you know what - most people do all those things and more, never worry, never take precautions, and hardly ever get it - maybe a few times in their lives.

    So take heart. You're taking precautions, are very careful, are armed with knowledge, and you have an immune system that is doing it's job. Get plenty of rest, exercise, eat well, and try to enjoy your life despite this absurd phobia (that I also share, so that's not a criticism). Best wishes!

    1. Very well put. I just found this site....a few months late though:) I have suffered for 32 years, since I was 4. Having 2 little ones makes having emetophobia a been more difficult. I have done so much research here in the U.S. on the best hand sanitizers. Wet ones and Gold Bonds may help, but the Active ingredient needs to be .13% or higher. Clorox sanitizing spray and Germstar Noro are the best of the best! No gels ever if they contain glycerin. It protects Noro. I order boxes of Germstar Noro for my kids classes without batting an eye at the price point. You can go on line and find testing done on these brands and how quickly they kill Noro. If it doesn't claim to kill it, don't buy it because they have never tested the product on the virus. If you are anything like me, a few extra bucks and testing is worth my peace of mind, because if my kids barf all hell breaks in my world. Grape seed, grape fruit seed, Grape juice and garlic are staples in my home. Not to forget the Zofran for emergencies. It is true... It's on to stop vomiting, it is actually not nessessary to vomit from Noro. Doesn't help rid virus. Don't listen when people tell you this....false!!!! If you went to the E.R. They would stop it right away. Just get your phych to give you Zophran and you won't need E.R. And you wont spread Virus in public. I wish we could stop dirty people too! Just wash them away when you get home. All my best :) summer is coming! Hope it helps some of you feel a bit more relaxed.

    2. Forgive my spelling...cell phones are difficult to type a huge paragraph. "Zofran" is the name here in the states. It is a chemo pill used for Stomach Flu out breaks in ER as well. If you do get help from a Doctor who knows about phobia's and OCD like mine, they may help your state of well being by writing you a prescription for this. Good luck! Knowledge is power, but to all if you, please try and break away from reading too much. Get the important info and move on or it will be too consuming. I only log in to emet site twice a year to help others.:)

  4. Thank you so much for this, its very reassuring! I'll take a look at the stomach flu website. I'll definitely follow your advice about the immodium too, I know its not healthy to try and stop it that way!
    Thank you for the advice :)

  5. I just found out the Gold Bond sanitizer does not work against Noro. The Clorox non bleach sanitizing mist works.

  6. Yes it would be fine to have anti-emetics because vomiting doesn't actually do much to help you, the virus needs to run its course until it's killed off by your immune system. So there's no harm in stopping it, you can even convince your brain to allow you not to be sick. The only way that it would be harmful to take anti-emetics is if you were poisoned, and with a virus this is not the case. Good hygiene is the way forward! :)

  7. One often-overlooked method of transmission is eating food prepared by someone recently sick. From December through March, I avoid eating anything from restaurants or at parties. Not always practical, but I'm not leaving my health up to other people who aren't as knowledgeable about norovirus as me.

    Noro can be spread for up to two WEEKS after you feel better, but most people assume they're no longer contagious as soon as they feel good again. In America, about 70% of food workers either don't have sick days at their jobs or don't know whether they do or not. I've read awful stories about food workers v*miting in buckets on the job while flipping burgers!

    No. Thanks.

    Hand sanitizer gives a false sense of security when it comes to norovirus. The goal of hand-washing is to wash the virus off your hands, not to kill it. Killing it would require bleach and/or hotter temperatures than the faucet can produce. Hand sanitizer fails at removing the virus and is therefore worthless.

    Stay well!


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